Academy’s videos and photos

We share with you our development, highlights, and defining moments. Children grow so fast.
But memories remain…

Maltese Rhapsody by Swetlana Reder, Feb. 2022

It is not just a gift… Christmas 2021

Christmas Calendar 2021 Day 6:
F. Chopin Nocturne E Flat Major, op. 9, No.2

Flight of the Bumblebee, performed by Swetlana Reder, Sep. 2021

ABRSM Performance Exam Piano 2nd Grade 2021

Congratulations, dear Thomas! Passing an exam with Distinction is a great success that you achieved, because you enjoy playing piano and because you practice regularly. I am happy to be your teacher and accompany you through your piano adventure. I am sooooo proud of you, dear!

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